You're not going to matter Jason Statham movie. Style almost always wins out, though actor's recent films are more than a bit of common events, the same formula: Statham gets more than his wicked head, who would outsmart it and eventually turn the tables and kicks more than a few asses. Mechanic is a little different, a native British attempts to give a little dramatic spectacle of the killer with a sense of guilt by the organization, he worked at the "retirement" from his longtime friend and mentor.Statham, of course, will fail because let's face it, it is not really an actor, playing essentially the same characters over and over: yourself. Yet it is a remake of one of the many career defining the end of Charles Bronson movies, action drama directed by Simon West has a lot of entertainment, reaching more "hits" was supposed to, ifyou want.
starting point of the mechanic is established that one of them frantically cut the gap in the chains, which are the cause of eye rolls or immediately attract your attention. For me it was the last Statham is a hitman Arthur Bishop murdered his goal of a seemingly blank large seems accidental drowning, and he manages to escape the tag jumping on the back deck and the vessel River Cruise. The thing is, not only the methods of the Bishop to accomplish a specific task, fast and cool, but you can see in Statham, skipping the bridge behind the camera down on dangerous waters.
Its basic set swamps of New Orleans, Bishop is a loner, who carefully planned exercises, sometimes seeking comfort in the arms of a woman, she must sleep with him (Mini Anden). Although he understands the nature of their relationship, it is obvious that the girl sleeping in a mysterious guy like Arthur free. Receive its missions through the hidden messages on Craigslist, the bishop is unclear when his last death from the wheelchair Harry McKenna (Donald Sutherland), director and longtime friend. Believing that the request is a kind of error, the bishop asks the meeting of one of its shadows high-ups (Tony Goldwyn), and learns that Harry would have sold during the group's activities, which resulted in several deaths . The bishop will work because they prefer to keep the retirement home of Harry.
Harry out of the picture, the bishop will no longer be any family remaining in the world and not an end. It is until he meets Harry, a strong alcohol, the son of former Steve (Ben Foster), who missed the collection of weapons from his father and the house bank is planning to launch. Although difficult to talk about his father for several years, Steve revenge, and even cruises in the hood one night armed with a bottle of liquor and a pistol, since Harry's death seems to establish a carjacking. The bishop suggests an alternative to the path, and acquires a young man of his energy into becoming his disciple.
Steve can be divided into Killer Instinct bishop, but he lacks discipline and self control, and nearly botches his first hit, with respect to the removal of competition "mechanic" which is a weakness of the Chihuahuas and young boys. Foster is an amazing young actress, who has an uncanny ability to take years and ragged appearance. He is one of this generation of rising stars, but will Steve do not make a convincing indication of a student. It is not a pretty boy looks, Jan-Michael Vincent, who started the role in addition to Bronson and Steve has a cold, calculated manner sociopath. Here, Steve occasional blunders almost get both him and the bishop died, including one episode where they are evangelical organization wants to remove.
But when it comes to having an attack against their enemies, Foster Statham proves equality and the Bishop and Steve on the tables of organization, the incredibly entertaining movie a blood soaked in the third act. Level of violence is Crank It Up to the highest setting ambush a complete sequence of bullets and exploding heads that mean the opposite of Call of Duty. It is this version of The Mechanic works thereafter.Statham and Foster's performance when using the Bishop and Steve just the right dose of realism and substance, in this case you care, and ultimately root for them because they get caught by the company. After seeing him literally kick ass wicked as many films Transporter, it is also a good change and the rate that Statham does not engage in martial arts when he faces opponents. Then there are few outstanding issues, if you're constantly wondering if the trigger-happy to see Steve who really killed his father and how he reacts when he does.
Mechanic can best be described as action film, which does the job. Director SimonWest, no stranger to gender (Con Air, and the first Tomb Raider film), keeps thingsmoving, and even managed to surprise me the trick with an SUV crashing headlonginto the future And completely through the line. Statham and Foster will likely pair, butthe underlying chemistry is between just the right time. This film would not have to reinvent the wheel, or even try to surpass the quality of the original, but its solid, and aremake of the 90 minutes I was amused.
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